Looking to hire top talent fast in Ethiopia? Post your job openings on GeezJobs and connect with highly qualified candidates in the market — even those who aren’t actively job hunting. Our platform is designed to match you with professionals who meet your job requirements, ensuring a faster and more efficient hiring process.
Attract qualified and experienced job seekers actively looking for new opportunities. Connect with the right candidates who match your job requirements, making your hiring process quicker and more efficient.
Streamline your hiring process with quick job posting options. Receive applications faster and fill your positions with minimal effort, ensuring you hire the right candidates in no time.
Leverage advanced tools to streamline your hiring process. Our platform uses the latest technology to connect you with top candidates, making recruitment faster and more effective.
Reliable, timely results with every job post. We ensure your job ads reach the right candidates quickly, providing you with high-quality applicants that meet your needs
At GeezJobs, we offer flexible job posting options to connect you with the right candidates. Our platform reaches thousands of job seekers daily
through our website, social media, and partner networks. Choose from free or premium listings to maximize your job’s visibility.
With Featured Job Posting on GeezJobs, your job advert gets x5 visibility, showcased on our homepage and premium locations.
We also share your listing across social media to help you reach top candidates quickly.
Single Post to Unlimited Posting From (ETB 2,000 - 50,000)
You’ll also benefit from targeted email job alerts and access to our extensive candidate database, ensuring your job reaches the best talent faster and boosting your chances of filling the position efficiently.
Post your Jobs for Free
ETB 0 / Job Role
Get Access top talent from our active job seeker database
Get Access top talent from our active job seeker database
Yes! We offer options for bulk posting. You can choose to post multiple job openings under our premium plans for maximum exposure.
Your job post will remain active until the deadline, which is set by you when posting the job, with a maximum duration of 30 to 90 days.
Our platform provides analytics on views, applications, and candidate engagement, helping you track the performance of your job posting.
Are you an employer in need of recruitment services? Join the many successful companies that trust GeezJobs to find the best talent for their business.