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GITEC IGIP GmbH is managing a project entitled, “Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity in Priority Protected Areas in Ethiopia”. This project is funded through the German Development Bank, KfW, and the client is the Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation Authority. The Protected Area Management Expert will work closely with EWCA at the national level, and complementary and in close cooperation with FZS and AWF at the park level. The PA expert is expected to work closely with other team members of the project, especially the CTA, and to be available on a regular and routine basis for discussions and consultations as may be required during project implementation. The tasks of the PA Expert are comprehensive and include: Specific Tasks (A) Operational support tasks: Prepare together with the other members of the Project Management Team (PMT) the park-specific inception report, and annual reports. Elaborate together with the CTA and in accordance with the PMT on the Terms of Reference for short-term experts; Participate in the elaboration of technical studies, feasibility assessments and the preparation of technical specification documents related to investment planning and procurement at park level; Produce, implement, and monitor yearly operational and budget plans; Ensure and certify the receipts of goods and services procured; especially support the PMT in the preparation, procurement, and implementation of the annual audits and the follow up of the outcome; Assist the CTA in his/her supervising role of other project staff and sub-contractors and replace the CTA during periods of his/her absence as required. (B) PA planning and management tasks: Contribute as a member of the PMT to the elaboration/revision of the General Management Plan (GMP) including Protected Area business plans, and of annual work plans/operational plans and procurement plans. The Park Management expert is additionally responsible that those documents fulfill PEA and KFW requirements and are submitted (via the CTA) for approval to PEA and KfW within the scheduled timeframe; Support the adequate consideration of sustainable natural resource management and land use planning/zoning in PA and adjacent Woredas (land use planning, water management plans, grazing schemes), in cooperation with Woredas; Support the PMT in improving/finalizing the physical demarcation of the park boundaries; Implement PA surveillance according to standard procedures to be established, including Law Enforcement Monitoring (LEM) and Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool (SMART); Advise and assists PMT on project-specific issues related to nature conservation management approaches such as policy formulation and implementation, development of respective procedures, guidelines, strategies. (C) Coordination and facilitation of cooperation: Work in close coordination with the co-financing/co-management partners and any identified research studies (e.g. work linking to the Ethiopian Biodiversity Institute’s mandate) in the parks to develop appropriate concepts and approaches for implementing the Project; Liaise and work with GIZ and the SLM III and EU projects within the surrounds of the Park in order to maximize the use of project resources and, to maximize potential positive impacts for those living in these Woredas through cross project initiatives. (D) Organizational development task: Contribute to organizational development on all levels: Facilitate cooperation with national authorities, establish long-term co-management between EWCA and partners, establish and facilitate formal consultation/cooperation mechanism between PA management and neighboring Woredas (incl. regional authorities and main user groups), advise on participatory protected area management, strengthen the participation of local communities, ensure that socio-economic development and benefit-sharing go hand-in-hand with nature conservation measures. (E) Capacity building and training task: Assist and advise the PMT with regard to training programmes, specially destined for the capacity development of the park administrations; Plan and coordinate for cross park exposure/training events where these may be deemed appropriate in order to ‘add value’ to management and conservation approaches in Bale NP. (F) Visibility enhancement: Support the PEA and the PCU in the promotion of the Project. Must be able to meet work deadlines and contribute to a set of wider team objectives. Should have good people skills and have experience in working within both the government and non-government sectors. This is a senior position and the individual must be able to demonstrate individual initiative, self-discipline, sensitivity in working with different stakeholders, as well as leadership qualities. Duty station: The expert will be based in the office of the Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation Authority, Addis Ababa, with regular travel to the project areas (at least one week out of every four). Duration of Contract: For a maximum of 21 months Offer: The successful candidate will be offered a locally competitive salary which will include medical cover and group/accident insurance. A mandatory probation period of 45 days is a condition of employment. Background Specification and Required Experience for the Position: The applicant must be a graduate in; Biology, Natural Sciences, Wildlife Conservation, Ecology or a closely related subject. Ideally, the candidate should have a Master's degree. They must have at least ten years of work experience in a related field, including work at both project and donor cooperation level with a preference for those with experience in international wildlife conservation. Candidates with direct; WB, KfW, EU or USAID related experience are encouraged to apply. Experience in working with EWCA is preferred.