Taking its name from ZamZam Holy Water which gave life to the barren land of Makkah, springing the hills of Safa and Marwa; ZamZam Bank is working towards ensuring sustained economic growth.
Zamzam bank is aspiring and working relentlessly towards its vision of becoming the leading shari’ah compliant and all-inclusive bank in Africa by 2030. It is contributing to the economy by providing full-fledged interest free, affordable, effective banking and financial services to diverse individuals and organizations; and by promoting economic stability and financial access through its extensive branch networks.
The reputation of the bank is positioned on not only for its championship for pioneering financial inclusiveness, but also for its unwavering commitment to sheriah compliance products and services; strong networking; resources and organizational learning; innovative leadership and management practices; state of the art core banking systems and its international recognitions.
We are searching talented individuals to join us on our journey towards sustainable growth that enhance financial inclusion with a special focus on the part of society that is alienated from the financial system due to their religious beliefs or other factors. Is this you?
Your profile
Whether you want a career as a visionary professional banker in full-fledged interest free banking sector, or need to make sure that your earning is from halal source or second our cause towards ensuring sustained economic empowerment & stability through financial inclusiveness, we offer you these possibilities within the Internship Programme.
What we offer you
Zamzam bank Internship Programme is the kick start of your career within the Bank industry. You will have the opportunity to develop your professional and personal skills over the course. In the Internship Programme you will take part in different trainings. You will be permanent employee of the bank based on the availability of vacant posts and your average performance result.
Requirement Skill
Place of work: Addis Ababa