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Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Office Assistant

Employer: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Employment: Full-Time | Permanent
Place of Work: Kulumsa, Oromia - Ethiopia
Posted date: 5 years ago
Deadline: Submition date is over

Office Assistant GIZ- Internal / External Vacancy Announcement #018/2020 Supporting Sustainable Agricultural Productivity (SSAP) On behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Food (BMEL), GIZ-SSAP supports the activities of the Ethiopian Government in the field of sustainable agricultural productivity. Through capacity building and advanced training, GIZ-SSAP qualifies the partners to establish frame work conditions enabling policy improvements in the seed sector and cooperative development. The support professionalizes cooperatives and unions, supports the establishment of a national cooperative college and the set-up of harmonized standards in seed quality control. The focus is on advising to improve the legal and regulatory framework of the seed sector as well as the capacity development of the cooperative sector (cooperative college, unions). Approaches are focused on decisions makers, managers and Training of Trainers. Ethiopian partners are the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) and its respective departments as well as the Federal Cooperative Agency (FCA). The activities are synergetic with the GIZ-SSAP component “Strengthening the Seed Sector and Conservation of Genetic Resources” working at the field level with primary cooperatives. German partners are the Academy of German Cooperatives (Akademie deutscher Genossen- schaften, ADG), the German Cooperative and Raiffeisen Association (Deutscher Genossenschafts- und Raiffeisenverband, DGRV) for the cooperative development and the Federal Plant Variety Office (Bundessortenamt, BSA) for the seed sector. Capacity development focuses on structural, organisational and managerial aspects for both the seed sector and cooperative development. In the seed sector emphasis is given to establish an autonomous Ethiopian Federal Plant Variety and Seed Quality Control Office whereas in the cooperative sector the establishment of a cooperative college is supported. Technical applications such as plant breeders’ rights, national listing, variety control, etc., are associated with the seed sector. Technical aspects for cooperative development are linked to institutional development, management of change as well as audit and bookkeeping of cooperatives. Required Candidates: Two Responsibilities The incumbent is responsible for the Cleanliness and orderliness of the office and its respective premises Running of official errands and assisting with other office services Within this context, s/he fulfills the following tasks: Tasks Office Services Cleans the office premises, rooms, furniture, carpet, training rooms and windows Ensures the availability of supplies in all lavatories Assists in the logistical management of the meeting room(s) Ensures the availability of hot coffee and tea Meets guests and visitors with a friendly demeanor while serving refreshments. Serves coffee and tea to guests and visitors, during meetings, for trainees, etc., as per request Reports if stationary, drink stocks, etc. are almost finished Support in Office Communication and Administration Supports /project logistics e.g. take letters to the post office or to the courier Makes photocopies and scans documents if required Controls that office equipment is functional and ensures that photocopy machines and printers are always filled with paper and toner. Assist in supplying stationery to the trainees, Ensure the availability of training materials in the training rooms whenever required General Services Runs errands e.g. buy lunch for office staff if and as required Reports damages in offices premises and equipment Organises and follows-up proper maintenance and repair of office premises and equipment Assists in and/or carries out other activities and tasks, as assigned Required Entry Qualifications and Competencies Formal Education Secondary school Professional Experience Minimum of 2 years working experience in a similar position with references Personal Requirements Responsible and trustworthy. Assertive with good interpersonal skills. Good communication and negotiation skills. Other Qualifications Knowledge of basic cleaning service. Skills in both verbal and written communication. Skills in observing situations and decision making. Skill in dealing courteously with the public.