Ethiopian construction design and supervision works corporation

Ethiopian construction design and supervision works corporation

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Ethiopian Construction Design and Supervision Works Corporation (ECDSWCo.) is transforming and diversifying from the current consultancy business operations. Taking advantage of the existing ECDSWCo.’s strength and maximizing on the newly emerging external opportunities that are being prevalent with the shifts in Ethiopian Economic Policy – the Corporation is aiming to play a significant role to the success of the Ethiopian Construction Industry -by creating a vibrant business institution that will not only fill the gap that is in the current construction industry, but also replace the need for having international construction companies that are dominating the government mega scale projects.

To this, the Corporation is emerging as an Engineering and Investment Group. The proposed name of the Group is ‘’Ethiopian Engineering and Investment Group (EEIG)’’. The Group will comprise of three main operational business units i.e., Consultancy, Construction and Investment.

EEIG-Construction business unit key activities are high-end complex construction projects, predominately high-rise commercial and residential buildings, real-estate; infrastructure (roads, railways and airports) & water and energy sector construction. EEIG-Construction alone would grow into a conglomerate of several business units including Piling, underground and foundation Works, Fit-Out, Energy (Solar Solutions), Electro- Mechanical Solution, Facility Management, Landscape and Construction Materials Production.

EEIG Construction is launched with the vision of being the best construction company in Ethiopia with a strategy of Timeously executing high-end complex projects, by utilizing proactive management skills as a Design and Build Contractor in order to achieve an optimum return and aspiring to be a competitive and preferred choice that can replace the current dependence on international contractors and deliver excellence. EEIG Construction will uphold Courage, Integrity, Reliability, Value for its People and Innovation as its core values.