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Common Vision for Development Association

Senior Quality Assurance & Management Specialist

Employer: Common Vision for Development Association
Employment: Full-Time | Contract
Place of Work: Addis Ababa - Ethiopia
Posted date: 5 years ago
Deadline: Submition date is over

Common Vision for Development Association (CVDA) is an indigenous, non-governmental, non-for-profit, humanitarian aid association. It was established on October 28, 2005, by a group of dedicated persons from diverse social, economic, professional and religious backgrounds. CVDA has been re-registered and licensed by the Ethiopian Ministry of Justice, Charities and Societies Agency, on November 30, 2009, as an Ethiopian Residents Charity in accordance with the Charities and Societies Proclamation No. 621/2009 with registration No. 0588. It has permission to work at the national level however so far operates marginal parts of Benshangule Gumuz Region, SNNPR (Hawassa, Yirgalem, Dilla, Yergachefe, Aletawondo, Wondo Genet, Chuko, Bule, Goreche and Gumer ), Oromia Region, West Showa Zone(Muger), Borena Zone (Hageremaireyam, Yabello & Moyale), Guji Zone( Adola, Shakiso & Borena Negele), West Arsi Zone (Shashemene, Arsi Negele, Adaba, Nensebo, Kokosa, Shala, Siraro, and Kore woredas) Afar Region; Zone 5; Delifage, Dewe, Telalek, Hadele Ele and Sumu Robi Zone 3; Gewane and Gelalo and City Government of Addis Ababa It is a member of the Consortium of Reproductive Health Association (CORHA), Union of Ethiopian Women Charitable Association (UEWCA), Ethiopian Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative/EEITI/, Ethiopia Civil Society Coalition for Scaling up Nutrition/ECSC-SUN/ and Afar Region Health Partner Forum. The following are CVDA’s vision, mission, goals, principles, and values: Vision CVDA’s vision is to see where poverty is alleviated sustainably with a favorable living environment in Ethiopia. Mission CVDA’s mission is to work with & for the poor community with priority attention for children and women towards alleviating the socio-economic problems, food insecurity, reducing unemployment, enhancing productivity, promoting health care, quality education & environment conservation at various levels for sustainable development. Goal To contribute to the endeavors of poverty alleviation through its integrated community-based development program in different regions of the country. Principles and values Integrity: Upholding the principles of honesty, responsibility, setting a good example and maintaining the highest ethical standard possible, The courage of conviction: This is the basis of our pledge to fight against poverty and hunger. Therefore, CVDA’s shall always take sides with the poorest and disadvantaged groups and help them bring about positive changes in their life. Accountability: This espouses CVDA’s ongoing commitment to account for its actions and to respond periodically to questions concerning its activities or answerability to those who will be affected by our decisions or actions. Transparency: This requires CVDA to take decisions and implement them in a manner that follows rules and regulations. Moreover, we shall provide our key stakeholders with reliable, relevant and timely information on matters that concern them. Impartiality and equity: This implies providing equal opportunity to all. Principles Believe in the view that results can be achieved if the process is sound and suitable. Be frank, transparent, and trust-worthy and build and develop team spirit within the organization and with partners. PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITIES 1. Reproductive and Primary Health Program 2. Water supply, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) Program 3. Food Security, Livelihood Diversification and Natural Resource Conservation Program 4. Education Program 5. Emergency and Relief Program Key ACCOMPLISHMENTS CVDA has successfully implemented different food security, environmental conservation, income-generating and HIV/AIDS projects in collaboration with different stakeholders. On environment conservation activity; highly degraded land rehabilitated through soil and water conservation measure, area enclosure, vetiver grass, and indigenous tree plantation, gabion established, stone and soil bund established, conservation agriculture introduced, biogas technology introduced and established, fuelwood saving stove established at HH level, spring water developed, washing stand, shower established. Food security and Income of target group improved through beekeeping, poultry farm, fruit tree plantation/ apple, mango and orange plantation/, vegetable garden, false banana plantation, vetiver grass bank. Other group established group and individual businesses such as hairdressing, tea room, sugar, and edible oil distribution, dairy farm, stone production, shower room and etc. On HIV prevention, care and support program target group and large community awareness raised on HIV prevention and living with HIV, counseling service, economic strength and improving balance diet intake, engaging in income-generating activities, access for clinical service through referral linkage. Food security and Income of target group improved through beekeeping, poultry farm, fruit tree plantation/ apple, mango and orange plantation/, vegetable garden, false banana plantation, vetiver grass bank. Other group established group and individual businesses such as hairdressing, tea room, sugar, and edible oil distribution, dairy farm, stone production, shower room and etc. On HIV prevention, care and support program target group and large community awareness raised on HIV prevention and living with HIV, counseling service, economic strength and improving balance diet intake, engaging in income-generating activities, access for clinical service through referral linkage. Overall over 42 projects were implemented in different regions and woredas since its establishment. In 2018/19 it has involved about 1514 volunteers and it has 55 full-time staff. Description of the Vacancy Common Vision for Development Association (CVDA) is a prime partner with USAID to implement the USAID HIV Epidemic Control for HIV Care and Treatment Services activities. The purpose of HIV epidemic control grants is to strengthen local HIV epidemic control to achieve 90 percent of individuals living with HIV know their status, 90 percent of persons living with HIV to initiate antiretroviral therapy and 90 percent of antiretroviral therapy clients achieve viral load suppression by 2020. Duration of employment: Form date of employment up to September 30, 2020, with a high possibility of extension based on performance and availability of funds. JOB SUMMARY The Quality Assurance Specialist will be a senior project staff leading all quality assurance and improvement activities of USAID HIV Epidemic Control for HIV Care and Treatment Services Activity. The role includes developing data quality assurance mechanisms and tools for comprehensive HIV prevention, care, and support and treatment services response. S/he will play a lead role in the overall quality assurance endeavors of the project closely working with the project staff and stakeholders. SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES The task requires closely working with the Ministry of Health, Federal HAPCO, regional Health Bureaus, Sub-city health officer, woreda health office and Health facility and other governmental and non-governmental stakeholders Lead the development of service quality assurance tool for comprehensive HIV prevention, care and support, and treatment services. In consultation with the M&E team institutionalized data quality assurance tool for the HIV Epidemic Control for HIV Care and Treatment Services Activity and ensure its implementation at all levels. In consultation with FHAPCO and FMoH develop a community-based HIV Testing Services (HTS) and home-based self-testing quality assurance mechanisms or use effectively if it is in place. In consultation with FHAPCO and FMoH develop a community-based ART adherence support services quality assurance mechanism or use effectively if it is in place. Enable CVDA and service delivery points to be ready for SIMS visits and other donor or government quality audits and visits. Develop a community-based TB, STIs, Malaria, family planning and Safe Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) service quality assurance tool. Train and provide regular technical assistance to regional and community level actors including CVDA staff and PLHIV associations on the service quality assurance tool. Document various best practices and lessons in relation to quality assurance and improvement efforts of the project and ensure their dissemination to inform decision making at national or global levels Represent CVDA in quality-related national technical working groups Other duties as assigned by the supervisor. Others: Implement other activities tasked by the Immediate Supervisor and leadership of CVDA . MINIMUM HOURS OF WORK: 40 hours per week Qualification & relevant work experience required BSC/ Master’s Degree in Public Health or equivalent with a minimum of 8/ 5 years of professional experience is required Demonstrated experience in program data quality assurance in health and HIV/AIDS projects. Demonstrated ability to communicate clearly and concisely in written and spoken English. Proven ability to develop effective working relationships with important stakeholders and partners. Excellent organizational and prioritization skills, and attention to detail. Previous experience on USAID/PEPFAR funded projects is preferred. Ability to travel up to 30% of the time to the regions.